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0,2 Euro mechanical coin validator for Garlando football table or pool table
Coin Slide Mechanism for 6 different Coins specially for 2€, 1€, 50Cent, 20 Cent.
0,5 Euro mechanical coin validator for Garlando football table or pool table.
1,0 Euro mechanical coin validator for Garlando football table or pool table.
l table.
Einwurf 1 Schweizer Franken, Ausführung mit Zählwerk
0,5 Euro mechanical coin validator with tamper-proof coin meter for Garlando football table or pool table.
1,0 Euro mechanical coin validator with tamper-proof coin meter for Garlando football table or pool table.
Einwurf Garlando Jeton, Ausführung mit Sicherheitszählwerk
5 CZ Koruna mechanical coin validator with coin reject and tamper-proof coin meter for Garlando football table or pool table.
0,5 Euro mechanical coin validator with coin reject and tamper-proof coin meter for Garlando football table or pool table.
1,0 Euro mechanical coin validator with coin reject and tamper-proof coin meter for Garlando football table or pool table.
Einwurf 1 Schweizer Franken, Ausführung mit Sicherheitszählwerk und Rückgabe
Einwurf 100 Ungarische Forint, Ausführung mit Sicherheitszählwerk
Mechanical B13 token validator with tamper-proof coin meter for Garlando football table or pool table.
For coins 25,75 mm 2,20 mm (2,- Euro)
For coins 26,5x1,8mm (20 Forint)
For heptagonal token